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Publishers A-Z

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Working With Us

We are open to new applications you will need to complete a New Account Form. Please make sure that your company meets our minimum conditions of trade before you complete the application form.

Customers must have a bricks-and-mortar store or an independent webstore.

Please note that an independent webstore does not include third-party sellers like Amazon or eBay. You may offer products on these sites but you will also need your own webstore.

If your company does not meet these conditions, but you feel that a case can be made for your becoming a customer, please fill in the form and include a brief description of how you intend to offer our products for sale to the general public.

Once we have received your application, our sales support team will be in touch to verify the details. You may be asked to supply pictures of your store front, sales area, and till area/payment system, or you may be asked to provide access to your webstore and the ability to make a simple test purchase.

Once your application has been accepted, you will receive a confirmation email with the login details for our online sales portal and a guide on how to use it.

Account Handler:

You will be assigned one of our Account Handlers to look after all of your supply needs. They will be your main port of call when contacting us by phone or email. They will keep you up to date on all of the exciting products that we offer. If you want to be contacted at specific times, please discuss this with your Account Handler and they can arrange to call you during those times.

Placing Orders:

MDV (Minimum Dispatch Value): You may place orders of any size, but we will only take payment and dispatch orders with shipping paid that exceed our MDV of £200/300€. Orders under the MDV will be held for 10 working days and then cancelled if they have not met MDV. You may add a £10/20€ carriage charge to release these items for shipping at any time during these 10 days if they do not reach MDV.

You may place orders online at any time, but payment can only be taken during business hours.

Our office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5:30pm.

You may place an order over the phone or via email. We would advise that, if you are able to send an order via email, you use our provided Order Forms where possible. We recommend that you incorporate our product codes into your orders as this reduces the risk of input errors.

Please make sure that, when you place orders, you pay careful attention to how the product is offered. Most of our products can be ordered in single units but, when ordering accessories, collectibles and CCGs, these are more commonly offered in Counter Display Boxes (referred to as CDUs) containing multiple units.

You may place Pre-Orders for upcoming products and Back Orders for lines that are currently out of stock but will return in the future. We will hold these orders until the items become available but will only invoice and dispatch them when the value exceeds our MDV. If you order an item showing as in stock, and we are unable to supply it for any reason, you will be asked to confirm that you are happy to add it to your back orders. Similarly, if the price or product details of an item change between placing your order and supply of an item, you will be asked to reconfirm your order before we ship it.

When you place any order, you will receive an email copy referred to as a Sales Order.

Payment & Delivery:

Payments must be made with our accounts department based on the Draft Invoice that will be sent to your chosen Billing Contact Details when we are able to take payment. Once payment has been made you will receive an A/R Reserve to confirm.

Orders should be dispatched within 48 hours of invoice. You will receive a Delivery Note to tell you when your order is leaving us. This will include a Tracking Number for our standard courier service, UPS, via a one-day delivery service for mainland UK. Delivery times will vary for offshore and European shipments.

We recommend you download the UPS My Choice App to help you to track your order and to make any changes that you require. If you experience any issues with your delivery, please contact your account handler, who should be able to assist you further.

We recommend that you do not take payment for goods ordered until they are in your possession. When ordering a specific item for your customer, we advise that you wait until you physically have the product before you inform the customer that their order has arrived. While we strive to provide a quick and efficient service, we can experience supply issues or interruptions.

When planning to run specific events or activities in store that require stock, it is advisable to order these at least a week in advance and to inform your account handler. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that we will have stock of the product that you require or that it will arrive in time for your event.

New Releases:

Every week we have a new offering of products to bring to the market. We send details of these out on a Wednesday evening around 6pm via our third-party daily mailout system. As soon as we send this list, our sales team can start taking orders on these lines. We advise that you place your new-release order by email using the form as soon as possible. If there are any popular lines that sell out, you will then stand the best chance of receiving stock. Oversubscribed lines will be allocated as fairly as possible.

On occasion we may choose to allocate or restrict how many of a line each client can order, to spread out the stock on lines that prove popular unexpectedly or that are short-supplied to us. Where possible we will look to reorder these lines quickly, though restock times can vary greatly depending on availability of the product with the manufacturer and from where in the world the product needs to travel.

New-release orders will be invoiced and will start dispatching from Friday and should be in transit to you by end of day Monday.

Occasionally some lines may ship separately from your new releases for release the following week, for logistical or contractual reasons. Some new-release lines will have an advertised release or on-sale date; please ensure that these are always respected. Stores selling before stated release or on-sale dates are in breach of our terms and conditions and may have their future orders delayed to protect the manufacturer’s release date. Repeat offenders risk their supply of future new releases.

Daily Update:

When you are accepted as a customer you can access a sign-up link for our daily updates and other communications on your account dashboard. These updates will include a complete stock list of lines that we currently have available. This will give you a good idea of which items are currently available to order, and will aid with your customers’ enquiries. If a line is showing as ‘low stock’, we advise that you check with your account handler as to availability and place an order as soon as possible.

Special Order Forms:

Once a week we update our Special Order form. These lines are out of stock and only ordered when confirmed orders are placed. We are unable to provide turnaround times for these lines, but these will be considered as confirmed back orders.


We send out a monthly solicitation and weekly update including our master pre-order form, showing notable upcoming lines. Place your pre-orders with your account handler for all the lines that you would like to buy upon release using our pre-order form.

Where possible, we will include links to the manufacturer’s product web page which may have more information regarding the product.
All prices and release dates are subject to change.
Please be aware that all orders are considered confirmed and binding.
Please be careful not to over-order. If you wish to increase your order closer to release, this is possible.

We will endeavour to fulfil all pre-ordered lines in full although, depending on availability, it may be necessary for us to allocate stock. Once we have informed you that a pre-ordered line is available, an order to reach MDV must be made within 10 working days or a carriage charge must be added. We will make every effort to ensure that your pre-orders remain available for you to order for the week it is released. Any pre-orders not processed after this period will be cancelled and remaining stock made available to other clients.

To ensure that we can process all of our clients’ orders in good time, we will look to process any major new releases – e.g. Magic: The Gathering block releases or Pokémon Trading Card Game sets – as soon as possible and separate from other orders. If such orders are under MDV, you will still be contacted by your account handler to make up the order first or add a carriage charge, though this may cause delays in the order being processed.

You can see any under MDV items in your Open Order Summary which will be sent to you daily via email. If you wish to ship an order below MDV for a £10/20€ carriage charge, please contact your account handler.

Open Order Summary:

You can opt to receive your Open Order Summary on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can amend the frequency of this email and to whom it is sent with your account handler.

This email will include your:

Upcoming Items (Pre-Orders)
Back Orders
Items Ready to Ship but Under MDV
Items Requiring Approval

Items Requiring Approval:

Whenever we alter any of your open orders in any way, we must receive your approval before we can count them as valid again. Such circumstances could include (but are not limited to) the following: if an order is not paid for within 5 working days; if we change the price of one or more items; or if we are unable to fulfil an order.

Please be aware that we will be monitoring and cancelling any open orders awaiting approval that have not been approved within 10 working days of their creation. Your Open Order Summary shows all of your orders requiring approval as they arise, and your account handler will be able to go through and either approve or cancel them at your request.


If you run a special event, we can look to assist you by providing demonstrators for key lines that we support. We ask that you can ensure that the event is well advertised, receives a good footfall and that you buy in suitable stock of the lines being demonstrated. Contact our Demonstrations Team ( to discuss the details of your event at least 1 month in advance. We cannot always guarantee that we will be able to support your event with demonstrators, however we will always try to fulfil any requests.

Organised Play:

We facilitate marketing activity for many of our key suppliers – Wizards of the Coast, Pokémon, WizKids, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fantasy Flight Games and more. Each manufacturer’s programme of events and requirements vary, though many insist that you have a bricks-and-mortar retail store to qualify. Make sure that you always sanction events in good time and order/confirm stock requirements with our Organised Play Team ( as soon as possible. In today’s gaming market, Organised Play activities are essential for maintaining a good customer base and bringing new consumers to the world of gaming. You may sign up to receive details of Organised Play activities, most of which are handled by our OP Team, via this link for UK stores or via this link for European stores.

Returns Policy:

If you receive goods in a damaged or unsuitable condition, please contact our support team via the ‘Report a Problem Log’ form on our website, to report any issues with goods within 48 hours of receiving your delivery. We will look to issue you with a problem-log number so that you can send the product back to us. The value of the product will be credited to your account once received. Authorised returns must be returned within 7 days.

We will not ship replacements for damaged goods and will always deal with these instances by issuing a credit. We are happy to add another copy of the affected product to your open orders to ship with your next delivery if stock is available once the problem log has been closed.

We also have a rebate scheme available. If you spend at least £7,500, excluding VAT, in a calendar quarter and you are able to absorb the cost of reducing any products damaged in transit that you may receive, then you will be entitled to a rebate of 1% of the value of any non-CCG lines purchased in this period. The rebate holds no cash value and must be offset against new orders. In most cases this rebate will far exceed the costs that may be incurred by damaged games. Ask your account handler for further details.

Images and Text:

We do not provide images or copy text to our clients. However, you are authorised to use any that appear on our webstore for online listing purposes only. Any other use of images or text must be authorised by us. Please contact our Customer Service Team ( and we will see if we can assist on a case-by-case basis.

We hope that you enjoy using our services and we wish you success with your business.