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Introducing the Love Your Game Store campaign

Introducing the Love Your Game Store campaign

Asmodee will step up its efforts to support independent retailers upon the reopening of non-essential retail in the UK with a nationwide Love Your Game Store campaign aimed at encouraging consumers back through the doors of their local hobby stores.

From 12 April to 31 May, anyone who makes an in-person purchase in a participating independent retailer can enter themselves into a random draw, from which one lucky winner will receive a £1,000 cash prize.

In addition, 10 further names will be randomly drawn from across the nation to win £50 of store credit for the retailer from which they made their purchase. A further draw will also be made for each participating retailer, offering one customer from each store a selection of free board games.

“Independent hobby retailers have always been and always will be vital to our business, and we are determined to help them hit the ground running as non-essential retail reopens,” said Roger Martin, Asmodee’s Hobby & Independent Channel Director. “They are also beloved community hubs for their customers, who we know will be just as pleased as we are by the opportunity to show their support after the challenges of multiple lockdowns.”

Entrants who make multiple visits to their local store or even to different participating retailers on different days may continue to submit their details for each purchase on a maximum-one-per-day basis, encouraging greater engagement for greater chances to win.

The campaign will be supported by online advertising and a heavy social-media backing using the dedicated hashtag #loveyourgamestore, with printable POS materials and social assets to be distributed to participating retailers.