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Unbox Now brings Valentine's Day joy to Manchester with free Play on Demand delivery service

Unbox Now brings Valentine's Day joy to Manchester with free Play on Demand delivery service

Asmodee are celebrating a successful effort to bring some Valentine’s Day joy to people stuck at home under lockdown, after our Play on Demand campaign gave couples, friends and family the opportunity to win free board games delivered straight to their door.

The first Valentine’s Day to take place under lockdown conditions offered an opportunity to do something special for those who couldn’t make plans as they might otherwise like. With people looking for alternative ways to be entertained, board games for two are a perfect way to share moments of fun at home – and they have seen a growing demand ever since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

On Saturday 13 February, across both Manchester and Paris, a coordinated campaign took place in which local residents could text in to be entered for a random draw, with 100 lucky respondents from each city winning one of a selection of Asmodee’s market-leading titles including Bananagrams, Love Letter, Carcassonne and more.

The campaign was run by Unbox Now – a new consumer-facing label from Asmodee with the goal of uniting families and friends to help them find the time and the best board games with which to connect through their shared love of play – in partnership with Travelling Man, a local independent board-game store.

The results were fantastic, with 3,000 texts received, 200 games delivered and a lot of happy couples!

It continues Asmodee’s efforts to offer fun and comfort to consumers stuck at home, following last year’s launch of a website housing dozens of free Print-and-Play editions of hit board games as well as Connect & Play resources for sharing games over videoconferencing software.