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War of the Ring: The Fate of Erebor

RRP £12.99


What if the Battle of Five Armies was lost by the Free Peoples, and Dáin never became King Under the Mountain? What if the Dwarves of the Iron Hills were just the scattered survivors of their kin, fighting a strenuous battle to defend their homes? What if Dale was never rebuilt? In this mini-expansion, you can find all you need to “adapt” the game to this possible outcome of the Battle of Five Armies.


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Family: War of the Ring

Publisher: Ares Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 120mins

Age Range: 13+

Product Code (SKU): AREWOTR018

Ares Games

War of the Ring: The Fate of Erebor

What if the Battle of Five Armies was lost by the Free Peoples, and Dáin never became King Under the Mountain? What if the Dwarves of the Iron Hills were just the scattered survivors of their kin, fighting a strenuous battle to defend their homes? What if Dale was never rebuilt? In this mini-expansion, you can find all you need to “adapt” the game to this possible outcome of the Battle of Five Armies.
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