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Dobble Friends

RRP £16.99


Join your friends at your favourite coffee house for a fast-paced game of Dobble: Friends, the new speed and observation card game from Zygomatic Games and Warner Bros. The game includes the iconic Friends characters, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Ross, as well as classic symbols from the show, like the turkey, the purple door and the Central Perk logo.


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Family: Dobble

Publisher: Zygomatic

Subcategory: Card Games

Age Range: 6+

Product Code (SKU): ASMDOBFRI01EN

Dobble Friends is a quick, fun, symbol-matching game featuring symbols from the iconic Friends TV show. Players race to spot the matching symbols on their cards, adding a new twist to the beloved Dobble gameplay. It's perfect for Friends fans looking to add excitement to game night!
Image for Dobble Friends
Players draw a card and try to be the first to spot the matching symbol between their card and a central pile. The game includes multiple modes for varied play, each offering unique twists. The player with the most cards wins.
Image for Dobble Friends

Dobble Friends

Join your friends at your favourite coffee house for a fast-paced game of Dobble: Friends, the new speed and observation card game from Zygomatic Games and Warner Bros. The game includes the iconic Friends characters, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Ross, as well as classic symbols from the show, like the turkey, the purple door and the Central Perk logo.
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