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Superstore 3000

RRP £35.99


Welcome to Superstore 3000, the retro-futuristic mall building game where you must build the tallest and most incredible mall to satisfy as many customers as possible. In Superstore 3000, each player builds their own mall by placing shop tiles and being the first to meet the criteria to collect the unique attraction tiles that will make your building even more exceptional.


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Publisher: Space Cowboys

Subcategory: Card Games

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 15 mins

Age Range: 10+

Publisher Release Date: 2024-11-02

Product Code (SKU): ASMSCWEA01EN

Space Cowboys

Superstore 3000

Welcome to Superstore 3000, the retro-futuristic mall building game where you must build the tallest and most incredible mall to satisfy as many customers as possible. In Superstore 3000, each player builds their own mall by placing shop tiles and being the first to meet the criteria to collect the unique attraction tiles that will make your building even more exceptional.
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