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Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal: Ars Magica 5E

RRP £24.99


Bring the magic-soaked lands of Mythic Germany to life with this essential Ars Magica sourcebook. Delve into the rich magical traditions and history of the birthplace of the Order of Hermes. It is a land full of places of power, famous magi, archaic politics, lost glories, and more. Populate your saga with characters and setting ideas. Here, famous Hermetic figures walk through faerie groves, and lost covenants and extensive libraries await your arrival.


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Family: Ars Magica

Publisher: Atlas Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ATG0276SC

Atlas Games

Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal: Ars Magica 5E

Bring the magic-soaked lands of Mythic Germany to life with this essential Ars Magica sourcebook. Delve into the rich magical traditions and history of the birthplace of the Order of Hermes. It is a land full of places of power, famous magi, archaic politics, lost glories, and more. Populate your saga with characters and setting ideas. Here, famous Hermetic figures walk through faerie groves, and lost covenants and extensive libraries await your arrival.
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