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Fen Shui 2: We'll Temporarily Have Paris

RRP £14.50


Paris, May 1944. The cherry blossoms are in bloom. Time to punch some Nazis in the face! J-meters everywhere are going wild. A pop-up juncture has appeared and every portal leads to the same time: Paris at the height of World War II! It’s only months before the city’s liberation from the German occupation, but that will never happen if the Jammers have their way and change the course of history! A 40-page Feng Shui pop-up juncture, "We’ll Temporarily Have Paris" features not only the ready-to-play adventure "Art, Apes, and Arson," but a full toolbox for running your own adventures during the darkest hours of the City of Lights.


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Family: Feng Shui 2

Publisher: Atlas Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ATG4028

Atlas Games

Fen Shui 2: We'll Temporarily Have Paris

Paris, May 1944. The cherry blossoms are in bloom. Time to punch some Nazis in the face! J-meters everywhere are going wild. A pop-up juncture has appeared and every portal leads to the same time: Paris at the height of World War II! It’s only months before the city’s liberation from the German occupation, but that will never happen if the Jammers have their way and change the course of history! A 40-page Feng Shui pop-up juncture, "We’ll Temporarily Have Paris" features not only the ready-to-play adventure "Art, Apes, and Arson," but a full toolbox for running your own adventures during the darkest hours of the City of Lights.
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