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Unknown Armies (3rd Edition) Book 1: Play

RRP £35.99


Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. As a player, you are confronted by the consequences of your character's actions, and challenged by the implicit threat of a world shaped by the will of those who want something more than you do. This sourcebook fleshes out the player experience with all the rules and details you need to succeed.


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Family: Unknown Armies

Publisher: Atlas Games

Subcategory: Core Rules

Product Code (SKU): ATG6031

Atlas Games

Unknown Armies (3rd Edition) Book 1: Play

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. As a player, you are confronted by the consequences of your character's actions, and challenged by the implicit threat of a world shaped by the will of those who want something more than you do. This sourcebook fleshes out the player experience with all the rules and details you need to succeed.
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