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BattleTech Dominions Divided

RRP £34.99


A BattleTech sourcebook providing full details of the events within the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine, and Rasalhague Dominion from 3151 to mid-3152. Included are a full historical summary of events in those regions of space, personality and unit profiles of key players—many appearing here for the first time–and game information along with a glossy campaign map to bring it all to your BattleTech tabletop.


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Family: BattleTech

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): CAT35904

Catalyst Game Labs

BattleTech Dominions Divided

A BattleTech sourcebook providing full details of the events within the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine, and Rasalhague Dominion from 3151 to mid-3152. Included are a full historical summary of events in those regions of space, personality and unit profiles of key players—many appearing here for the first time–and game information along with a glossy campaign map to bring it all to your BattleTech tabletop.
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