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Codenames XXL

RRP £38.99


The worldwide smash-hit party game that anyone can enjoy - now in GIANT form! Two teams compete to make contact with their agents, with spymasters giving one-word clues to their teams that relate to the code words on a grid of 25 agents. Guess words of the right colour while avoiding those of the opponents' colour - and if anyone guesses the Assassin, their team immediately loses.


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Family: Codenames

Publisher: Czech Games Edition

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-8

Playing Time: 15+mins

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2018-06-13

Product Code (SKU): CGE00046

Czech Games Edition

Codenames XXL

The worldwide smash-hit party game that anyone can enjoy - now in GIANT form! Two teams compete to make contact with their agents, with spymasters giving one-word clues to their teams that relate to the code words on a grid of 25 agents. Guess words of the right colour while avoiding those of the opponents' colour - and if anyone guesses the Assassin, their team immediately loses.
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