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Broken Compass: What If...

RRP £33.99


What If is a spin-off that lets you mold the Broken Compass system based on your needs. It includes useful techniques and tools to write your own rules and create different gaming experiences, tailored for a variety of settings. Each What If section in the rulebook is a new, unique, and incredible expansion, that opens worlds of possibility for your gaming experience... beyond anything reality can offer!


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Publisher: CoolMiniOrNot Inc

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Players: 2-5

Playing Time: 120mins

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2023-04-28

Product Code (SKU): CMNBKN005

CoolMiniOrNot Inc

Broken Compass: What If...

What If is a spin-off that lets you mold the Broken Compass system based on your needs. It includes useful techniques and tools to write your own rules and create different gaming experiences, tailored for a variety of settings. Each What If section in the rulebook is a new, unique, and incredible expansion, that opens worlds of possibility for your gaming experience... beyond anything reality can offer!
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