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A Song of Ice & Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1

RRP £39.99


Brotherhood without Banners players will get a whole host of new NCUs, attachments and commanders to include in their. They gain powerful new commanders that provide a new way to construct their armies and new attachments that could synergize well with existing strategies too. They also gain more NCUs with powerful abilities that could alter the flow of the battle.


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Family: A Song Of Ice and Fire

Publisher: CoolMiniOrNot Inc

Subcategory: Miniatures

Players: 2+

Playing Time: 45-60 mins

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2024-12-06

Product Code (SKU): CMNSIF015

CoolMiniOrNot Inc

A Song of Ice & Fire: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1

Brotherhood without Banners players will get a whole host of new NCUs, attachments and commanders to include in their. They gain powerful new commanders that provide a new way to construct their armies and new attachments that could synergize well with existing strategies too. They also gain more NCUs with powerful abilities that could alter the flow of the battle.
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