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CATAN: Dawn of Humankind

RRP £69.99


The first branches of the human family tree sprouted in Africa up to 300,000 years ago. Over the millennia, humans journeyed out, putting down new roots in all areas of the world, evolving, adapting, and innovating as they went. In Dawn of Humankind, you will guide one branch of the human family to gather resources, migrate, and settle in new areas, all while advancing their technology and culture. The player who is best able to grow and develop their thriving civilization wins!


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Family: CATAN

Publisher: CATAN Studio

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 3-4

Playing Time: 90mins+

Age Range: 12+

Publisher Release Date: 2022-09-30

Product Code (SKU): CN3206

CATAN Studio

CATAN: Dawn of Humankind

The first branches of the human family tree sprouted in Africa up to 300,000 years ago. Over the millennia, humans journeyed out, putting down new roots in all areas of the world, evolving, adapting, and innovating as they went. In Dawn of Humankind, you will guide one branch of the human family to gather resources, migrate, and settle in new areas, all while advancing their technology and culture. The player who is best able to grow and develop their thriving civilization wins!
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