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Old-School Essentials: Holy Mountain Shaker

RRP £12.99


Thunder and quake have come to the old town. Towers crumble, homes tumble, the quick become the dead. What omen could be more obvious? The Pharaoh Fish under the mountain is displeased. This God must be propitiated. Brave heroes must venture to buy the city's salvation. At the very least, the Town Council needs to appear in control and send some 'expert adventurers' into the depths. A fantasy pointcrawl adventure for characters of 5th to 6th level.


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Family: Old-School Essentials

Publisher: Exalted Funeral Press

Subcategory: Book

Product Code (SKU): EFP03015

Exalted Funeral Press

Old-School Essentials: Holy Mountain Shaker

Thunder and quake have come to the old town. Towers crumble, homes tumble, the quick become the dead. What omen could be more obvious? The Pharaoh Fish under the mountain is displeased. This God must be propitiated. Brave heroes must venture to buy the city's salvation. At the very least, the Town Council needs to appear in control and send some 'expert adventurers' into the depths. A fantasy pointcrawl adventure for characters of 5th to 6th level.
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