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Hand To Hand Wombat

RRP £24.99


A social deduction game for people who aren’t into social deduction games”. Players are secretly assigned roles, either ‘Good Wombat’ or ‘Bad Wombat’ (wombats are known for their binary systems of morality), whereupon Good Wombats must construct towers together, while Bad Wombats try to disrupt the process. This is all done with eyes closed, and, after a set time limit, the group must stop and try to identify the Bad Wombats.


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Publisher: Exploding Kittens

Subcategory: Card Games

Age Range: 7+

Publisher Release Date: 2022-07-29

Product Code (SKU): EKWMBTCORE4

Exploding Kittens

Hand To Hand Wombat

A social deduction game for people who aren’t into social deduction games”. Players are secretly assigned roles, either ‘Good Wombat’ or ‘Bad Wombat’ (wombats are known for their binary systems of morality), whereupon Good Wombats must construct towers together, while Bad Wombats try to disrupt the process. This is all done with eyes closed, and, after a set time limit, the group must stop and try to identify the Bad Wombats.
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