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Legend of the Five Rings: Mask of the Oni

RRP £16.99


Take your players into the foreboding Shadowlands with Mask of the Oni. This adventure for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game pits heroes against the dangers of the Shadowlands and the horrors found within the crumbling walls of the Hiruma family’s fallen castle. Tokens, maps, and an adventure booklet will guide players on their journey, but will they survive with their soul intact?


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Family: Legend of the Five Rings

Publisher: Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ESL5R07EN

Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Legend of the Five Rings: Mask of the Oni

Take your players into the foreboding Shadowlands with Mask of the Oni. This adventure for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game pits heroes against the dangers of the Shadowlands and the horrors found within the crumbling walls of the Hiruma family’s fallen castle. Tokens, maps, and an adventure booklet will guide players on their journey, but will they survive with their soul intact?
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