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Legend of the Five Rings: Courts of Stone

RRP £33.99


Spin your webs of intrigue and betrayal with Courts of Stone, the second sourcebook for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game! This 144-page setting guide takes you inside the mighty castles and courts that act as the political centers of Rokugan. Here, courtiers scheme to destroy their enemies. Treachery lies behind every false smile, and spies and assassins lurk in every shadow.


Weight -
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Family: Legend of the Five Rings

Publisher: Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): ESL5R08EN

Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Legend of the Five Rings: Courts of Stone

Spin your webs of intrigue and betrayal with Courts of Stone, the second sourcebook for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game! This 144-page setting guide takes you inside the mighty castles and courts that act as the political centers of Rokugan. Here, courtiers scheme to destroy their enemies. Treachery lies behind every false smile, and spies and assassins lurk in every shadow.
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