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Star Wars RPG: Roleplaying Dice

RRP £17.99


One galaxy. Three games. One set of dice.The Star Wars movies are full of dramatic twists and turns, and Star Wars® Roleplaying Dice translate the action to your games of Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™, Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™, and the upcoming Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™.Star Wars Roleplaying Dice come fourteen to a pack and allow players and GMs to quickly determine the success or failure of actions in the game, while advancing the story's narrative with advantages and threats.


Weight -
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Family: Star Wars

Publisher: Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Subcategory: Dice

Product Code (SKU): ESSWR02EN

Edge (Entertainment/ Studio)

Star Wars RPG: Roleplaying Dice

One galaxy. Three games. One set of dice.The Star Wars movies are full of dramatic twists and turns, and Star Wars® Roleplaying Dice translate the action to your games of Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™, Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™, and the upcoming Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™.Star Wars Roleplaying Dice come fourteen to a pack and allow players and GMs to quickly determine the success or failure of actions in the game, while advancing the story's narrative with advantages and threats.
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