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Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventure

RRP £22.99


Pilot giant mechs. Kill giant monsters. Save the world. The Pan Pacific Defence Corps (PPDC’s) powerful new prototype Jaeger, the Fenris Alpha, lies scattered at the edge of a deep ocean trench, its pilots still alive within their protected capsule. The players must fight the Kaijus that defeated the Fenris, rescue the pilots, and get home safely. This is a 128-page Cinematic Adventure set in the world of Pacific Rim.


Weight -
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Length -
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Family: 5E

Publisher: Evil Genius Gaming

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): EVL04000

Evil Genius Gaming

Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventure

Pilot giant mechs. Kill giant monsters. Save the world. The Pan Pacific Defence Corps (PPDC’s) powerful new prototype Jaeger, the Fenris Alpha, lies scattered at the edge of a deep ocean trench, its pilots still alive within their protected capsule. The players must fight the Kaijus that defeated the Fenris, rescue the pilots, and get home safely. This is a 128-page Cinematic Adventure set in the world of Pacific Rim.
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