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Highlander Cinematic Adventure

RRP £22.99


Jump into the world of the Highlander to live your immortal life throughout the ages. The immortal Fantome wants to bring about the end of days and begin the quickening early. Your party starts as newly awakened immortals in 1492 and must battle through time to stop Fantome before he can enact his final plan of destruction. This is a 128-page Cinematic Adventure set in the world of Highlander.


Weight -
Height -
Length -
Width -

Family: 5E

Publisher: Evil Genius Gaming

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): EVL06000

Evil Genius Gaming

Highlander Cinematic Adventure

Jump into the world of the Highlander to live your immortal life throughout the ages. The immortal Fantome wants to bring about the end of days and begin the quickening early. Your party starts as newly awakened immortals in 1492 and must battle through time to stop Fantome before he can enact his final plan of destruction. This is a 128-page Cinematic Adventure set in the world of Highlander.
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