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Lord of the Rings LCG: Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion

RRP £69.99


In the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion, one to four players join forces with the Dúnedain to defend Eriador and investigate the source of the evil that plagues the land. Across nine scenarios, playable over the course of a sequential campaign, they must confront Orcs, trolls, wraiths, and a cunning villain who wields dark sorcery.


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Family: The Lord of the Rings

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games

Subcategory: Living Card Games

Players: 1-4

Playing Time: 30-120mins

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2022-07-22

Product Code (SKU): FFGMEC108

Fantasy Flight Games

Lord of the Rings LCG: Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion

In the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion, one to four players join forces with the Dúnedain to defend Eriador and investigate the source of the evil that plagues the land. Across nine scenarios, playable over the course of a sequential campaign, they must confront Orcs, trolls, wraiths, and a cunning villain who wields dark sorcery.
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