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Star Wars: Imperial Assault

RRP £109.99


Immerse yourself in a thrilling game of tactical combat and missions in two distinct game experiences! In the campaign game, play a series of pulse-pounding missions with up to four friends in a narrative campaign, or strike at each other head-to-head in a two-player skirmish game. Play as a hero of the Rebellion or command the armies of the Galactic Empire alongside iconic characters like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader!


Weight -
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Family: Star Wars

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2 to 5

Age Range: 14+

Product Code (SKU): FFGSWI01

Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Immerse yourself in a thrilling game of tactical combat and missions in two distinct game experiences! In the campaign game, play a series of pulse-pounding missions with up to four friends in a narrative campaign, or strike at each other head-to-head in a two-player skirmish game. Play as a hero of the Rebellion or command the armies of the Galactic Empire alongside iconic characters like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader!
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