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Star Wars: Legion - Darth Vader Operative

RRP £19.99


Feared by friend and foe alike, Darth Vader is the living embodiment of the Empire's might. This unpainted, easily assembled miniature comes in a different pose to the one found in the Core Set, and includes three new command cards that can be used by both the operative and commander versions of the unit, letting you tailor your strategy to fit your needs. Rounding out the expansion are four upgrade cards to augment Vader with even more Force powers or training.


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Family: Star Wars

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games

Players: 2

Playing Time: 60-120 min

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2020-01-24

Product Code (SKU): FFGSWL57

Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars: Legion - Darth Vader Operative

Feared by friend and foe alike, Darth Vader is the living embodiment of the Empire's might. This unpainted, easily assembled miniature comes in a different pose to the one found in the Core Set, and includes three new command cards that can be used by both the operative and commander versions of the unit, letting you tailor your strategy to fit your needs. Rounding out the expansion are four upgrade cards to augment Vader with even more Force powers or training.
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