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Star Wars Shatterpoint: Take Cover Terrain Pack

RRP £74.99


The battlefields of Star Wars: Shatterpoint become even more thematic with this terrain pack! Containing a host of different terrain, including a Swoop Bike, a GNK Power Droid, and a generator, the terrain pieces players find here will help set the stage for their battles while also giving their troops plenty of places to take cover.


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Publisher: Atomic Mass Games

Subcategory: Miniatures

Players: 2

Playing Time: 90 mins

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2023-06-02

Product Code (SKU): FFGSWP17

Atomic Mass Games

Star Wars Shatterpoint: Take Cover Terrain Pack

The battlefields of Star Wars: Shatterpoint become even more thematic with this terrain pack! Containing a host of different terrain, including a Swoop Bike, a GNK Power Droid, and a generator, the terrain pieces players find here will help set the stage for their battles while also giving their troops plenty of places to take cover.
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