Dungeon Crawl Classics #101 - The Veiled Vault of the Onyx Q
The Queen’s Onyx Jubilee is set to begin, marking the 95th year of the merciful monarch’s glorious reign. While the entire realm celebrates the good fortune of their long-lived sovereign, a group of common villagers fights to stay alive. For them, the festivities have become a nightmare, as the sounds of revelry are replaced by screams of terror – their own! This 0-level adventure funnel begins in media res with the characters awakening deep within an opulent palace where they are set to become unwitting sacrifices to the corpse-god Mordiggian. There they must piece together the clues as to their whereabouts, contend with a ghoulish death cult, stop a vile sacrament, close a gate to the underworld, and ultimately confront the Corpse-God himself – if they want to escape the Charnel Palace and save their very souls.