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Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #13 - Treachery in the Beggar

RRP £8.99


Steel flashes in dark alleys and over filth-strewn canals in the Beggar City of Tovilyis! Word has spread that the location of a secret treasure vault belonging to Tovilyis’ old ruler has been discovered. What untold riches await the first to plunder the hidden hoard? The adventurers must compete with other rivals, including masked assassins, sinister sorcerers, and the agents of the Beggar City’s noble houses to be the first to breach the potentate’s private treasury.


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Family: DCC

Publisher: Goodman Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): GMG5228

Goodman Games

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #13 - Treachery in the Beggar

Steel flashes in dark alleys and over filth-strewn canals in the Beggar City of Tovilyis! Word has spread that the location of a secret treasure vault belonging to Tovilyis’ old ruler has been discovered. What untold riches await the first to plunder the hidden hoard? The adventurers must compete with other rivals, including masked assassins, sinister sorcerers, and the agents of the Beggar City’s noble houses to be the first to breach the potentate’s private treasury.
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