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DCC Lankhmar #14 - Thieves of Cold Corner

RRP £9.99


A cache of invisible ice diamonds and an overlord’s ransom in gold rilks—amid the drunken revelry of midwinter solstice, Cold Corner was never riper for a heist. But to pull it off risks the ire the Snow Women and their skalds—cruel axe-men eager for the chance to prove their devotion to their cold mistresses. And with the power to shape cold—and the blinding blizzards, shattered bones, and frozen bodies that must surely follow—the sorceress matriarchs of the Snow Clan are not to be trifled. Some would say you’d be a fool to cross the Snow Women north of the Trollstep Mountains. They’d be right, but that’s never stopped you before…


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Publisher: Goodman Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): GMG5229

Goodman Games

DCC Lankhmar #14 - Thieves of Cold Corner

A cache of invisible ice diamonds and an overlord’s ransom in gold rilks—amid the drunken revelry of midwinter solstice, Cold Corner was never riper for a heist. But to pull it off risks the ire the Snow Women and their skalds—cruel axe-men eager for the chance to prove their devotion to their cold mistresses. And with the power to shape cold—and the blinding blizzards, shattered bones, and frozen bodies that must surely follow—the sorceress matriarchs of the Snow Clan are not to be trifled. Some would say you’d be a fool to cross the Snow Women north of the Trollstep Mountains. They’d be right, but that’s never stopped you before…
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