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Usurp the King

RRP £24.99


The King may be in trouble. The court that surrounds him contains subjects who seek power. Each player represents a family that will vie for control over the court members. Featuring seven victory conditions, the path to victory may shift as you gain more information about each court members’ motives and those of the other families. Your allegiances will twist and change based on your interests. The King’s subjects are but mere pawns.


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Publisher: DPH Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-5

Playing Time: 30-45 mins

Age Range: 13+

Product Code (SKU): HPSDPH010

DPH Games

Usurp the King

The King may be in trouble. The court that surrounds him contains subjects who seek power. Each player represents a family that will vie for control over the court members. Featuring seven victory conditions, the path to victory may shift as you gain more information about each court members’ motives and those of the other families. Your allegiances will twist and change based on your interests. The King’s subjects are but mere pawns.
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