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Southlands Worldbook for 5th Edition

RRP £42.49


This campaign setting for the 5th Edition of the world’s first RPG is ripe with possibilities for adventure in ancient tombs, enormous jungles, and searing deserts, where swift-flying sand ships dart between distant cities. The sprawling Southlands include the legacy of jinn, the domains of gnolls, the ruins of minotaurs, the gifts of god-kings, and many more rich stories perfect for high adventure campaigns.


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Family: Southlands

Publisher: Kobold Press

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): KOB9054

Kobold Press

Southlands Worldbook for 5th Edition

This campaign setting for the 5th Edition of the world’s first RPG is ripe with possibilities for adventure in ancient tombs, enormous jungles, and searing deserts, where swift-flying sand ships dart between distant cities. The sprawling Southlands include the legacy of jinn, the domains of gnolls, the ruins of minotaurs, the gifts of god-kings, and many more rich stories perfect for high adventure campaigns.
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