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Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Supreme Darkness Booster

RRP 24 units at £4.49


Enter brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters, coming in Supreme Darkness! The King is not amused…but he will be – and you will, too! – with the brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters coming in Supreme Darkness! Supreme King Jaden’s “Evil HERO” monsters are back in a big way! Evil versions of Elemental HEROes Bubbleman and Prisma are coming, and the Supreme King’s new version of Neos, which has the power to take over your opponent’s monsters! There are plenty of “Evil HERO” Fusion Monsters to choose from, and this set adds even more, plus new support cards to make it easier than ever.


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Family: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Publisher: Konami

Subcategory: Card Games

Publisher Release Date: 2025-01-23

Product Code (SKU): KON18912


Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Supreme Darkness Booster

Enter brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters, coming in Supreme Darkness! The King is not amused…but he will be – and you will, too! – with the brand-new “Evil HERO” monsters coming in Supreme Darkness! Supreme King Jaden’s “Evil HERO” monsters are back in a big way! Evil versions of Elemental HEROes Bubbleman and Prisma are coming, and the Supreme King’s new version of Neos, which has the power to take over your opponent’s monsters! There are plenty of “Evil HERO” Fusion Monsters to choose from, and this set adds even more, plus new support cards to make it easier than ever.
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