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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dimension Force Booster

RRP 24 units at £3.99


Break down the barriers of reality with Dimension Force, the latest core booster for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). This 100-card set includes multiple brand-new themes as well as new cards for older strategies. Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V can swing into action with brand-new “Performapal” cards and a new “Odd-Eyes” monster that’s the first ever Ritual Pendulum Monster! Re-animate strategies from the past with a new “Red-Eyes” Zombie Synchro Monster that can Special Summon other Zombie monsters and even itself from the Graveyard!


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Family: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Publisher: Konami

Subcategory: Card Games

Publisher Release Date: 2022-05-19

Product Code (SKU): KON94337


Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dimension Force Booster

Break down the barriers of reality with Dimension Force, the latest core booster for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). This 100-card set includes multiple brand-new themes as well as new cards for older strategies. Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V can swing into action with brand-new “Performapal” cards and a new “Odd-Eyes” monster that’s the first ever Ritual Pendulum Monster! Re-animate strategies from the past with a new “Red-Eyes” Zombie Synchro Monster that can Special Summon other Zombie monsters and even itself from the Graveyard!
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