Mythos Monsters (Pathfinder Second Edition)
Mythos Monsters brings 90 eldritch abominations from the dark places beyond the stars to your Pathfinder Second Edition campaign, with beautiful artwork for every one! Unleash the mind-bending majesty of the Lovecraft mythos on an unsuspecting world, with mythos minions like the faceless stalkers, star vampires, and the hideous hybrid blood of Yog-Sothoth, horrific variants like embryonic brain collectors and dream flumphs, gug savants and neothelid psions, and inhuman horrors like shantaks, nightgaunts, and the blood of Yog-Sothoth, or terrifying titans like bholes, elder shoggoths, and flying polyps. T
Family: PF1
Publisher: Legendary Games
Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure
Product Code (SKU): LGP454HO04PF2