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Asian Monsters (PF2)

RRP £23.99


Asian Monsters is a 96-page Pathfinder Second Edition monster book featuring over 80 incredible creatures and challenges drawn from the myths and legends of Asia. Researched and developed with a diverse team of authors, artists, and cultural consultants, you'll find an awesome array of enemies and allies from the folklore of Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam, as well as nations of the western Pacific like Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines, beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash in your Pathfinder 2E campaign.


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Publisher: Legendary Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): LGP499FE01PF2

Legendary Games

Asian Monsters (PF2)

Asian Monsters is a 96-page Pathfinder Second Edition monster book featuring over 80 incredible creatures and challenges drawn from the myths and legends of Asia. Researched and developed with a diverse team of authors, artists, and cultural consultants, you'll find an awesome array of enemies and allies from the folklore of Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam, as well as nations of the western Pacific like Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines, beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash in your Pathfinder 2E campaign.
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