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Legendary Hunters: Second Edition (PF2)

RRP £12.99


Legendary Hunters: Second Edition is the latest volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements for Pathfinder Second Edition, this time focused on the wild-wandering beastmaster hunter class. These savvy wilderness warriors approach encounters with tactics and teamwork in mind for them and their bestial (and humanoid) allies. You’ll find over 100 awesome options for this new class, including an array of Hunter's Bond skills like Flank and Shank, each with their own teamwork and support benefits and special actions, with over 60 class feats for every level.


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Publisher: Legendary Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): LGP549LC36PF2

Legendary Games

Legendary Hunters: Second Edition (PF2)

Legendary Hunters: Second Edition is the latest volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements for Pathfinder Second Edition, this time focused on the wild-wandering beastmaster hunter class. These savvy wilderness warriors approach encounters with tactics and teamwork in mind for them and their bestial (and humanoid) allies. You’ll find over 100 awesome options for this new class, including an array of Hunter's Bond skills like Flank and Shank, each with their own teamwork and support benefits and special actions, with over 60 class feats for every level.
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