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Second Edition Classes: Wanderer (PF2)

RRP £10.99


The Wanderer is a brand-new class for Pathfinder Second Edition, a versatile traveler trusting to luck, grit, and tenacity to see their way through any challenge they meet before taking once more to the endless road. Wanderers may be fierce sharpshooters, free blades with no master, gruff outlaws, or simply on the lookout to keep the peace from those who would trouble it. Their resolve and perseverance in the face of the bleakest odds make them reliable allies and implacable foes.


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Publisher: Legendary Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): LGP550LC37PF2

Legendary Games

Second Edition Classes: Wanderer (PF2)

The Wanderer is a brand-new class for Pathfinder Second Edition, a versatile traveler trusting to luck, grit, and tenacity to see their way through any challenge they meet before taking once more to the endless road. Wanderers may be fierce sharpshooters, free blades with no master, gruff outlaws, or simply on the lookout to keep the peace from those who would trouble it. Their resolve and perseverance in the face of the bleakest odds make them reliable allies and implacable foes.
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