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Faerie Bestiary (5E)

RRP £52.49


The Faerie Bestiary is the perfect addition to any wilderness campaign or anywhere the fey have left their touch on the world, and a perfect companion for Faerie Campaigns, which provides a wealth of character options, spells, magic items, adventures, and a wealth of rules for bringing the weirdling ways of the fey into your campaign with passion, mystery, and of course a bargain or two! Enrich your DnD 5E campaign with this incredible 304-page monster accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary!


Weight -
Height -
Length -
Width -

Family: 5E

Publisher: Legendary Games

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): LGP562FB015E

Legendary Games

Faerie Bestiary (5E)

The Faerie Bestiary is the perfect addition to any wilderness campaign or anywhere the fey have left their touch on the world, and a perfect companion for Faerie Campaigns, which provides a wealth of character options, spells, magic items, adventures, and a wealth of rules for bringing the weirdling ways of the fey into your campaign with passion, mystery, and of course a bargain or two! Enrich your DnD 5E campaign with this incredible 304-page monster accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary!
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