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Looney Oracle

RRP £19.99


The Looney Oracle is a fortune telling toy that can offer cryptic advice on a topic of your choosing, or can answer any yes/no question. You influence the answer received by choosing among Oracle objects. When asking for advice about your birthday, do you choose the Bicycle, the Universe, or Dinosaurs? One of them advises: "Consider the mistakes you made last time." Both fun and surprisingly deep, the Oracle is a great take-along to parties and sleepovers. Or keep it on your desk at work to help you make those hard decisions!


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Family: Fluxx

Publisher: Looney Labs

Subcategory: Board Games

Product Code (SKU): LOO134

Looney Labs

Looney Oracle

The Looney Oracle is a fortune telling toy that can offer cryptic advice on a topic of your choosing, or can answer any yes/no question. You influence the answer received by choosing among Oracle objects. When asking for advice about your birthday, do you choose the Bicycle, the Universe, or Dinosaurs? One of them advises: "Consider the mistakes you made last time." Both fun and surprisingly deep, the Oracle is a great take-along to parties and sleepovers. Or keep it on your desk at work to help you make those hard decisions!
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