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Museum: Pictura - Vernissage

RRP £29.99


In this expansion, you will be attempting to organise luxurious private parties for only the most illustrious of guests! In order to attract these Very Important Patrons, you-ll need to discard Painting cards, temporarily putting them to one side for your exclusive parties. Delight them with just the right combination of Painting cards, and you-ll convince them to lend their support to your establishment! This support will come in the form of Prestige points at the end of the game, but also other bonuses!


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Family: Museum: Pictura

Publisher: Holy Grail Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 60mins

Age Range: 10+

Product Code (SKU): LUMHGGPIC07R02

Holy Grail Games

Museum: Pictura - Vernissage

In this expansion, you will be attempting to organise luxurious private parties for only the most illustrious of guests! In order to attract these Very Important Patrons, you-ll need to discard Painting cards, temporarily putting them to one side for your exclusive parties. Delight them with just the right combination of Painting cards, and you-ll convince them to lend their support to your establishment! This support will come in the form of Prestige points at the end of the game, but also other bonuses!
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