Embark on a quest to settle the Isle of Catan! Guide your settlers to victory by clever trading and cunning development. Use resource combinations - grain, wool, ore, brick, and lumber - to buy handy development cards and build roads, settlements and cities. Acquire your resources through trades, cards, or lucky dice (even outside your turn).
Family: CATAN
Publisher: CATAN Studio
Subcategory: Board Games
Players: 3 to 4
Playing Time: 60
Age Range: 10+
Product Code (SKU): MFG3071
Embark on a quest to settle the Isle of Catan! Guide your settlers to victory by clever trading and cunning development through each dice role. Use resource combinations - grain, world, or, brick, and lumber - to buy handy development cards and build roads, settlements and cities. Acquire your resources through trades, cards, or lucky dice (even outside your turn).

Points are gained by building settlements, cities and long roads which can become populated with armies. Certain development cards also award these victory points. The winner is the player who reaches 10 points first, announces their total and claims the win.