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Traveller: Robot Handbook

RRP £54.99


The Robot Handbook is designed to be both quick and easy to use, and configurable to customise all aspects of a robot’s functions, capabilities and skills; a standard robot can be built in just a few minutes. The Robot Handbook also includes rules for making nanorobots and microrobots, androids, clones, biological robots and brains for both vehicles and spacecraft. And what is a cybernetic limb but a robot part? The Robot Handbook covers everything from a cybernetic arm to a whole mechanical body with a live brain inside.


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Family: Traveller

Publisher: Mongoose Publishing

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): MGP40085

Mongoose Publishing

Traveller: Robot Handbook

The Robot Handbook is designed to be both quick and easy to use, and configurable to customise all aspects of a robot’s functions, capabilities and skills; a standard robot can be built in just a few minutes. The Robot Handbook also includes rules for making nanorobots and microrobots, androids, clones, biological robots and brains for both vehicles and spacecraft. And what is a cybernetic limb but a robot part? The Robot Handbook covers everything from a cybernetic arm to a whole mechanical body with a live brain inside.
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