Seven Sinners
Seven Sinners is the corrupt vision of a world that does not relegate the Deadly Sins to the sphere of ethics or morality, but drags them into reality in a concrete, overwhelming and terrifying way. Seven Sinners contains some game mechanics that reference the Fifth Edition and First Edition (OSRIC) rulebook, yet its intent is to inspire as many gaming campaigns as possible. It is not directly wedded to any official setting because it aims to convey a universal feeling, understandable by any culture or individual: the fear of being found guilty. Seven Sinners is a collection of Cultists, Demons and Relics compatible with the 1st Edition (OSRIC) and 5th Edition of the world’s most famous role-playing game. This manual contains images and text of a mature nature, including violence and sexual themes, intended for an adult audience.
Family: 5E
Publisher: Mana Project Studio
Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure
Product Code (SKU): MPS10023