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Unsettled: Planet 009 Gniir

RRP £14.99


It's kill-you-instantly cold outside. Somehow, that's the least of your problems. Unsettled: Gniir is the 9th planet box for "Unsettled". An eerie, ethereal sense of uncertainty haunts every moment on this frost-goth world of ice and stone. Monolithic ruins loom in the distance, eerily preserved, disturbingly quiet. More unnerving yet, is the presence you can sense but cannot see. You feel it, in the howling wind, in the drifts of snow, around you, inside you. Gniir is about finding shelter from more than just the elements. The resources you need can be found, but only in places you can't survive. It's a whole thing. You'll work it out.


Weight -
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Family: Unsettled

Publisher: Orange Nebula

Subcategory: Board Games

Product Code (SKU): ONB0209

Orange Nebula

Unsettled: Planet 009 Gniir

It's kill-you-instantly cold outside. Somehow, that's the least of your problems. Unsettled: Gniir is the 9th planet box for "Unsettled". An eerie, ethereal sense of uncertainty haunts every moment on this frost-goth world of ice and stone. Monolithic ruins loom in the distance, eerily preserved, disturbingly quiet. More unnerving yet, is the presence you can sense but cannot see. You feel it, in the howling wind, in the drifts of snow, around you, inside you. Gniir is about finding shelter from more than just the elements. The resources you need can be found, but only in places you can't survive. It's a whole thing. You'll work it out.
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