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War Story: Occupied France

RRP £39.99


War Story: Occupied France is a cooperative narrative game for one to six players. Your team of covert operatives is all that stands between the infamous German officer Heidenreich and the systematic destruction of French Resistance forces in Morette. Through three replayable story missions, you must exploit the specialties of your chosen agents to uncover information, enlist allies, and obtain weaponry. Engage occupying forces on tactical encounter maps, where careless positioning could cost your agents' lives. Remember, no plan survives contact with the enemy. And time is running out.


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Publisher: Osprey Games

Subcategory: Card Games

Publisher Release Date: 2024-10-10

Product Code (SKU): OSP41000

Osprey Games

War Story: Occupied France

War Story: Occupied France is a cooperative narrative game for one to six players. Your team of covert operatives is all that stands between the infamous German officer Heidenreich and the systematic destruction of French Resistance forces in Morette. Through three replayable story missions, you must exploit the specialties of your chosen agents to uncover information, enlist allies, and obtain weaponry. Engage occupying forces on tactical encounter maps, where careless positioning could cost your agents' lives. Remember, no plan survives contact with the enemy. And time is running out.
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