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Undaunted: Reinforcements

RRP £44.99


In North Africa, the Long Range Desert Group are a thorn in the sides of the Italian forces, disrupting vital lines of communication and striking at strategic targets ranging far and wide. In Normandy, US forces brace against a German counterattack, determined to maintain their foothold in the region. The fighting is intense and the outcome hangs on a knife-edge. With everything at stake, you desperately need reinforcements!


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Publisher: Osprey Games

Subcategory: Card Games

Players: 1/24/4

Age Range: 14+

Product Code (SKU): OSP4720

Osprey Games

Undaunted: Reinforcements

In North Africa, the Long Range Desert Group are a thorn in the sides of the Italian forces, disrupting vital lines of communication and striking at strategic targets ranging far and wide. In Normandy, US forces brace against a German counterattack, determined to maintain their foothold in the region. The fighting is intense and the outcome hangs on a knife-edge. With everything at stake, you desperately need reinforcements!
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