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Don't Skip Leg Day

RRP £14.99


Don't Skip Leg Day is a competitive game for 3-6 players, although you can add sets to increase the player count. The game is played over two rounds (weeks) consisting of seven turns (days). Each turn, all players select one card from their hand to keep, then pass the rest of their hand to another player. Players repeat this action (keeping a card and passing the ones they don't want) until all players have chosen seven cards. Some of the cards you choose to keep will be made public to all players, but many will remain a secret until the end of the game.


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Publisher: Pandasaurus

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 3-6

Playing Time: 15min

Age Range: 8+

Publisher Release Date: 2024-08-16



Don't Skip Leg Day

Don't Skip Leg Day is a competitive game for 3-6 players, although you can add sets to increase the player count. The game is played over two rounds (weeks) consisting of seven turns (days). Each turn, all players select one card from their hand to keep, then pass the rest of their hand to another player. Players repeat this action (keeping a card and passing the ones they don't want) until all players have chosen seven cards. Some of the cards you choose to keep will be made public to all players, but many will remain a secret until the end of the game.
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