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Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals: The Wolf & The Rat Expansion

RRP £29.99


The Wolf & The Rat is an expansion for Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals that adds two new clans: GANGREL & NOSFERATU. Connected through animalism, but divided by opposing loyalties, the Gangrel and Nosferatu provide ample opportunity to unleash the beast within and explore the more feral side of their clan’s animal nature. You may play these two clans head-to-head with the pre-constructed decks provided, or integrate them with your Core Set and other expansions to create unique strategies for conquering your foes!


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Publisher: Renegade Game Studio

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 30-70 mins

Age Range: 14+

Product Code (SKU): RGS021937

Renegade Game Studio

Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals: The Wolf & The Rat Expansion

The Wolf & The Rat is an expansion for Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals that adds two new clans: GANGREL & NOSFERATU. Connected through animalism, but divided by opposing loyalties, the Gangrel and Nosferatu provide ample opportunity to unleash the beast within and explore the more feral side of their clan’s animal nature. You may play these two clans head-to-head with the pre-constructed decks provided, or integrate them with your Core Set and other expansions to create unique strategies for conquering your foes!
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