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The Fox in the Forest Duet

RRP £15.99


Work together to play tricks and move through the forest in this two-player spin on the acclaimed trick-taking game! Use the special abilities of the characters to exchange cards with each other, then let your team-mate follow with any card, and more. Win as a team by collecting all the gems but be careful to stay on the path and not get lost in the forest!


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Publisher: Renegade Game Studio

Subcategory: Card Games

Players: 2

Age Range: 2

Publisher Release Date: 2020-01-08

Product Code (SKU): RGS2048

Renegade Game Studio

The Fox in the Forest Duet

Work together to play tricks and move through the forest in this two-player spin on the acclaimed trick-taking game! Use the special abilities of the characters to exchange cards with each other, then let your team-mate follow with any card, and more. Win as a team by collecting all the gems but be careful to stay on the path and not get lost in the forest!
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