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RPG: World Guide

RRP £45.99


Beyond Dárdünah’s edge there lay obscuring mists and veils, but within this book the light of the two suns shines clearly upon the width and breadth of the known world. From the western coasts of Rákbar, to the mysterious island of Klinráh, the many countries and cultures of Dárdünah are laid out in rich detail and with vibrant illustrations. Additionally, this 452-page tome is packed with details about commerce, politics, religion, and even the medical arts. We also include an expanded bestiary and creature creation system, a listing of native flora, special crystals, a host of NPCs, and so much more!


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Family: SHARD

Publisher: Shard Studios

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): SSD10110

Shard Studios

RPG: World Guide

Beyond Dárdünah’s edge there lay obscuring mists and veils, but within this book the light of the two suns shines clearly upon the width and breadth of the known world. From the western coasts of Rákbar, to the mysterious island of Klinráh, the many countries and cultures of Dárdünah are laid out in rich detail and with vibrant illustrations. Additionally, this 452-page tome is packed with details about commerce, politics, religion, and even the medical arts. We also include an expanded bestiary and creature creation system, a listing of native flora, special crystals, a host of NPCs, and so much more!
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