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Trophy Gold

RRP £40.99


Trophy Gold is a dark fantasy horror/adventure game about desperate treasure-hunters who loot gold from a haunted forest and the dungeons it hides. Unlike other fantasy roleplaying games, Trophy Gold emphasizes the struggle of being a low-powered adventurer and the risks associated with that profession. The game is organized into incursions: themed stories played over 4-5 sessions. A series of incursions can be strung together to form a longer campaign, exploring the goals and lives of the treasure-hunters. Trophy Gold includes nine incursions, as well as a special “mega-incursion” called “The Roots of Old Kalduhr” that can last 12 or more sessions and be a campaign unto itself.


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Publisher: The Gauntlet

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): TGTG1

The Gauntlet

Trophy Gold

Trophy Gold is a dark fantasy horror/adventure game about desperate treasure-hunters who loot gold from a haunted forest and the dungeons it hides. Unlike other fantasy roleplaying games, Trophy Gold emphasizes the struggle of being a low-powered adventurer and the risks associated with that profession. The game is organized into incursions: themed stories played over 4-5 sessions. A series of incursions can be strung together to form a longer campaign, exploring the goals and lives of the treasure-hunters. Trophy Gold includes nine incursions, as well as a special “mega-incursion” called “The Roots of Old Kalduhr” that can last 12 or more sessions and be a campaign unto itself.
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